NEPGA Comments in Support of NextEra Seabrook Petition for Declaratory Order – No. EL21-3

On November 4, 2020, NEPGA filed Comments in support of NextEra Seabrook’s Petition for Declaratory Order, asking FERC to confirm NextEra’s declarations that it is not required to incur financial losses (actual or through lost opportunities) or be liable for consequential damages in accommodating the interconnection of Avangrid’s New England Clean Energy Connect (NECEC) project […]

NEPGA Moves to Intervene in CASPR Appeal (DC Cir Case No 20-1333)

On September 30, 2020, NEPGA filed a Motion to Intervene in the appeal jointly filed by several parties with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, including the Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council, RENEW Northeast, and Conservation Law Foundation (Joint Appellants), challenging the FERC order accepting the Competitive Auctions and Sponsored Policy […]

NEPGA Files Protest to Constellation Complaint – No. EL20-52-000

On June 29, 2020, NEPGA filed a Protest of the complaint brought by Constellation against ISO-NE alleging that ISO-NE has improperly amended its planning procedures, and acted inconsistent with its Tariff in conducting local transmission reliability reviews for the FCA 15 Capacity Commitment Period (No. EL20-52-000). NEPGA makes several counter-arguments in its Protest, including that […]

NEPGA Files Comments in Support of Energy Security Improvements Proposal

On May 15, NEPGA filed Comments in support of ISO-NE’s Energy Security Improvements proposal (ESI Proposal) (Docket No. ER20-1567-000), arguing that it is just and reasonable and, in its entirely, compliant with FERC’s Section 206 directive to file “permanent,” long-term market design changes to meet ISO-NE’s “fuel security” needs. NEPGA also asked FERC to reject […]

Letter to ISO-NE on Review of the Future of the New England Wholesale Markets

NEPGA letter to ISO-NE supporting a work-plan request from NESCOE to analyze the wholesale electricity markets in light of state electricity procurements and environmental policies. NEPGA supports NESCOE’s call for a formal NEPOOL process in 2020 to assess the New England wholesale electricity markets and begin discussions of any market changes necessary.

NEPGA Answers NESCOE Motion for Extension of Time – EL18-182-000

On August 8, NEPGA filed an Answer to the New England States Committee on Electricity’s (NESCOE) Motion for Extension of Time pursuant to which NESCOE asks FERC to extend the deadline by which ISO-NE must file market design changes to address New England’s winter energy security needs (the Energy Security Improvements (ESI), or so-called Chapter […]