Coalition Letter Opposing NH PUC Administrative Procedures Proposal

NEPGA led a coalition including Clean Energy New Hampshire, Community Power Coalition of New Hampshire, Conservation Law Foundation, The Consumer Energy Alliance, Granite State Hydropower Association, The Nature Conservancy, and Southern New Hampshire Services opposing a New Hampshire PUC proposal to limit participation in regulatory dockets (Docket DRM 24-085 & 24-086).

Comments on MA DEP Proposal To Increase Allowance Prices

On July 5, NEPGA submitted comments to the Department of Environmental Protection regarding its proposal to increase the minimum auction reserve price for allowance auctions under 310 CMR 7.74 from $0.50 per allowance to $9.00 per allowance, beginning with the September 2024 auction. In its comments, NEPGA argues that MassDEP should extend the deadline for […]

NPEGA Files in Support of Day-Ahead Reserves – FERC Docket No. ER24-275-000

On November 21, 2023, NEPGA filed Comments in support of ISO-NE’s proposal to price and procure four types of reserves co-optimized with energy in the day-ahead energy market – its so-called Day-Ahead Ancillary Services proposal (Docket No. ER24-275-000). The proposal creates day-ahead ten-minute spinning, ten-minute non-spinning, thirty-minute operating, and energy imbalance reserves, while retiring the […]

NEPGA Files in Support of FCA 19 Delay – FERC Docket No. ER24-339-000

On November 24, 2023, NEPGA filed Comments in support of ISO-NE’s proposal to delay the nineteenth Forward Capacity Auction (FCA 19) by one year (No. ER24-339-000). ISO-NE proposes to delay FCA 19 to allow it and NEPOOL the additional time necessary to develop and vet the Resource Capacity Accreditation (RCA) changes for effect beginning in […]

NEPGA Files Comments in Support of Upward Mitigation Elimination – Docket No. ER24-324-000

On November 16, 2023, NEPGA filed comments in support of ISO-NE’s and NEPOOL’s joint filing of Tariff changes eliminating the potential for “upward mitigation” in the Real-Time Energy Market (Docket No. ER24-324). ISO-NE’s proposal responds to FERC’s May 5, Show Cause Order granting a Vistra request for the recovery of costs incurred but not recovered […]

NEPGA Petitions to Intervene in Central Maine Power Rate Case

On July 14, 2023, NEPGA filed a Petition to Intervene in the Maine Public Utilities Commission proceeding concerning Central Maine Power (CMP) rates, Request for Approval of Distribution Rate Increase and Rate Design Changes Pursuant to 35-A M.R.S. s. 307 (Docket No. 2022-00152). The proceeding concerns CMP base distribution rates, including potentially stranded cost rates […]

Testimony on Massachusetts Decarbonization Bills

On July 12 and 13, the New England Power Generators Association testified at public hearings on the following bills: H.3147; H.3231; S.2167; S.2080. Below is the written testimony that NEPGA filed with the legislature.