MA DPU Docket No. 10-54

NEPGA filed a Motion to Answer and Answer in MA DPU Docket No. 10-54 in response to National Grid and Cape Wind. NEPGA’s filing objects to the request from both National Grid and Cape Wind that the DPU limit NEPGA’s participant status in the proceeding.

MA DPU Docket No. 10-54

NEPGA filed a Petition to Intervene in MA DPU Docket No. 10-54 regarding the proposed long-term contracts between Cape Wind and National Grid. NEPGA requested full-party status in the proceeding.

NEPGA Filed Comments in FERC Docket No. RM10-17-000

NEPGA filed comments in FERC Docket No. RM10-17-000 in response to the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on demand response compensation in organized energy markets. Included with the filing was an affidavit from Dr. Roy Shanker.

MPUC Docket No. 2008-255

NEPGA filed comments in MPUC Docket No. 2008-255 in opposition to the May 7, 2010 proposed Maine Power Reliability Program settlement agreement between Central Maine Power and the Office of the Public Advocate, GridSolar, Industrial Energy Consumers Group and the Conservation Law Foundation.

Technology and Environment Committee on SB 334

NEPGA provided testimony to the Science, Technology and Environment Committee on SB 334. NEPGA testified against the provision that would allow PSNH to retain up to $5 million of its Alternative Compliance Funds for use in building a rate-based solar photovoltaic project.

House Ways and Means Committee on SB 450

NEPGA provided testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee on SB 450. NEPGA testified in opposition to  repealing an electricity consumption tax and replacing it with a tax on electric generation in the state.

MPUC Docket No. 2010-289

NEPGA filed a Petition to Intervene in MPUC Docket No. 2010-289 regarding the purchase of Maine & Maritimes, the parent company of Maine Public Service Co., by Emera US Holdings, Inc.

Complaint Filed Against ISO-NE in FERC Docket EL10-50-000

NEPGA filed a complaint against ISO-NE in FERC Docket EL10-50-000. The complaint alleges that ISO-NE’s existing tariff governing the Forward Capacity Market and the changes proposed in the ISO-NE February 22nd filing are unjust and unreasonable.