Request for Rehearing of FERC’s

EPSA and NEPGA jointly submitted a request for rehearing of FERC’s January 19, 2012 order on ISO-NE’s Order 745 Compliance Filing under FERC Docket No. ER11-4336. The rehearing request specifically addressed the behind-the-meter generation compensation as a demand response resource.

Protest Under FERC Docket No. ER12-229

NEPGA submitted a protest under FERC Docket No. ER12-229 regarding ISO-NE’s proposed Base Capacity Cost Rate for resources providing VAR service effective January 1, 2012.

MPUC Docket Nos. 2002-676 and 2006-543

NEPGA filed a petition to intervene in MPUC Docket Nos. 2002-676 and 2006-543 regarding Emera Inc.’s increased ownership in Algoquin Power & Utilities Corp.