NEPGA Sec. 42 Massachusetts Energy Bill Full Page Ad
NEPGA full page ad opposing Section 42 of Massachusetts House Bill 4225 that ran in the Bosto Globe, Boston Herald and Boston Business Journal.
This category contains all documents published prior to January 1, 2014.
NEPGA full page ad opposing Section 42 of Massachusetts House Bill 4225 that ran in the Bosto Globe, Boston Herald and Boston Business Journal.
Joint NEPGA/RESA open letter to Massachusetts legislators in opposition to Section 42 of Massachusetts House Bill 4225.
NEPGA letter to Massachusetts legislative conference committee commenting on Senate and House versions of passed energy legislation.
NEPGA and IPPNY sponsored an amicus brief and motion for leave to file from 21 noted economists in support of the petition submitted by EPSA and a number of other electricity associations appealing FERC’s Order 745 regarding the compensation for behind-the-meter generation as demand response.
See Attachments below.
NEPGA submitted comments on the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection’s draft study regarding the impact of ISO-NE on New England electricity markets.
NEPGA submitted a Motion to Intervene and Comments supporting ISO-NE’s Forward Capacity Market conforming changes for full integration of Price-Responsive Demand under Docket No. ER12-1627.
NEPGA submitted a brief at the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals under Docket No. 11-1422 (Devon Power) arguing contract certainty for auction and negotiated rates.
See attachment below.
NEPGA sent a letter to Senator Susan Sosnowski, Chair of the Rhode Island Senate Committee on Environment, regarding House Bill 7592, East Bay Consortium Act.