NEPGA Joins EPSA in Request for Technical Conference in NOPR (No. RM15-23)

NEPGA joined EPSA and several other trade association in letter comments supporting a motion for FERC to hold a technical conference, or in the alternative delay the Comment Date, in the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking proceeding related to data and information reporting on “Connected Entities.” (No. RM15-23). 

NEPGA/RESA NH Discovery Request on Eversource PPA

Joint Motion from NEPGA/Retail Energy Supply Association for additional discovery regarding EversourceNH power purchase agreement with Northern Pass in the divestiture settlement discussions (Docket DE 14-238)

NEPGA Files Status Report in D.C. Cir. No. 15-1071

NEPGA filed a status report in its D.C. Circuit appeal (No. 15-1071) of new entry pricing rules in the Forward Capacity Market, pursuant to the court’s mandate to file status reports while the case continues to be held in abeyance.   

NEPGA Comments on NH PUC Staff Legal Memo

NEPGA comments on New Hampshire PUC staff’s legal memo on using existing legislative authority to subsidize natural gas pipelines through electric utility rates (Docket IR 15-124).