NEPGA Files Comments in Grid Resilience Proceeding – No. AD18-7

NEPGA filed a Motion to Intervene and Comments in the grid resilience administrative docket open before FERC (No. AD18-7).  NEPGA asks FERC to take notice that the Operational Fuel Security Analysis produced by ISO-NE, which ISO-NE offers as a “framework” for understanding the “fuel security risk” in New England, does not define that risk because […]

NEPGA Files Protest of Proposed Change to the Dynamic De-List Bid Threshold – ER18-620

NEPGA filed a Protest and supporting Affidavit from Paul Sotkiewicz in response to the ISO-NE/Internal Market Monitor proposal to reduce the Dynamic De-List Bid Threshold from $5.50/kW-month in FCA 12 to $4.30/kW-month in FCAs 13-15 (No. ER18-619).  NEPGA argues that the Dynamic De-List Bid Threshold proposed by ISO-NE and the IMM is unjust and unreasonable […]