Reply Comments in FERC Docket AD10-5-000

NEPGA filed Reply Comments in FERC Docket AD10-5-000 regarding RTO/ISO Performance Metrics. NEPGA’s comments supported the comments of the Electric Power Supply Association (EPSA), encouraging a  standardized set of metrics for all RTOs/ISOs  to properly evaluate RTO/ISO performance.

Opposition to HB 5505

NEPGA gave testimony to the Committee on Energy and Technology in opposition to HB 5505. NEPGA expressed opposition to the creation of a state power authority, as well as a provision within the bill which would impose a windfall profits tax on generators in the state.

Opposition to HB 5508

NEPGA  gave testimony to the Committee on Energy and Technology in opposition to HB 5508 which establishes the Division of Electricity Policy and Procurement. NEPGA expressed specific opposition to Section 4 of the bill which allows the newly formed Division to own and operate generation.

Intervene and Protest in FERC Docket ER10-787-000

NEPGA filed a Motion to Intervene and Protest in FERC Docket ER10-787-000 in response to several revisions to the tariff governing the Forward Capacity Market filed by ISO-NE and NEPOOL on February 22, 2010.  Included with the filing were affidavits from Dr. Roy Shanker and Robert Stoddard of CRA International on behalf of NEPGA.

Docket DE09-180

NEPGA filed a Petition to Intervene in Docket DE09-180, PSNH Proposed 2010 Default Energy Service Rate.

FERC Docket ER09-1282

NEPGA filed a Motion for Leave to Answer and Answer in FERC Docket ER09-1282 in response to NECPUC’s request for mediation of potential reforms to the FCM.