NEPGA Filed an Appeal of the MA DPU’s
NEPGA filed an appeal of the MA DPU’s November 22, 2010 order approving a power purchase agreement (“PPA-1”) between National Grid and Cape Wind, LLC.
NEPGA filed an appeal of the MA DPU’s November 22, 2010 order approving a power purchase agreement (“PPA-1”) between National Grid and Cape Wind, LLC.
NEPGA filed a reply brief in MA DPU Docket No. 10-54 regarding the National Grid and Cape Wind, LLC proposed long-term contract.
NEPGA filed its initial brief in MA DPU Docket No. 10-54 regarding the National Grid and Cape Wind, LLC proposed long-term contract.
NEPGA sent a letter to Ian Bowles, Secretary of the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, in response to the July 7th letter from Secretary Bowles to Phil Giudice, DOER Commissioner. Prior to receiving public or stakeholder input, the EOEEA letter proposed a minimum criteria and deadline for the consideration of biomass as an […]
NEPGA submitted comments regarding the Global Warming Solutions Act Draft Implementation Plan and Proposed 2020 Emissions Reduction Target.
NEPGA filed a Motion to Answer and Answer in MA DPU Docket No. 10-54 in response to National Grid and Cape Wind. NEPGA’s filing objects to the request from both National Grid and Cape Wind that the DPU limit NEPGA’s participant status in the proceeding.
NEPGA filed a Petition to Intervene in MA DPU Docket No. 10-54 regarding the proposed long-term contracts between Cape Wind and National Grid. NEPGA requested full-party status in the proceeding.
NEPGA provided comments regarding the MA DEP proposed 1990 greenhouse gas baseline and 2020 business as usual projection.
NEPGA gave testimony on four bills in front of the Joint Energy and Telecommunications Committee. Included within the testimony was NEPGA’s support of An Act Relative to Comprehensive Wind Reform.
NEPGA filed comments in DPU Docket No. 08-88 regarding the Rulemaking to Implement the Provisions on Long-Term Contracts for Renewable Energy.