Testimony on Massachusetts Carbon Fee Legislation
NEPGA testimony to the Massachusetts Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy Committee on economy-wide carbon fee legislation (S1821 and H1726)
NEPGA testimony to the Massachusetts Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy Committee on economy-wide carbon fee legislation (S1821 and H1726)
NEPGA release on comments filed with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection on Greenhouse Gas emissions draft regulations.
NEPGA comments filed to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection on draft Greenhouse Gas regulations related to power plants and a clean energy standard.
NEPGA comments to the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources in response to their request for stakeholder input on electricity storage solicitations.
NEPGA comments to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection on stakeholder draft greenhouse gas emissions regulations.
NEPGA statement on passage of Massachusetts energy bill
NEPGA comments filed with the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities raising significant questions and issues that must be addressed to appropriately consider using electric utility ratepayer financing for new natural gas capacity contracts (DPU 15-181)
NEPGA statement on passage of passage of a costly energy bill by the Massachusetts House of Representatives.
NEPGA response to Massachusetts Clean Electricity Partnership report on subsidized contracts for importing provincially-owned hydropower.
NEPGA’s motion for a limited intervention in the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities consideration of proposed Eversource contracts for natural gas pipeline capacity financed by electric utility ratepayers (Docket 15-181).