2012 Comprehensive Energy Strategy

NEPGA submitted comments to the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection regarding the development of the 2012 Comprehensive Energy Strategy.

Connecticut Senate Bill 450

NEPGA submitted testimony in opposition to provisions in Connecticut Senate Bill 450 which would provide additional opportunities for utility-owned, rate base generation.

DPUC Docket 10-12-05

NEPGA filed a petition to intervene and comments in DPUC Docket 10-12-05 regarding whether the proposed merger of Northeast Utilties and NSTAR requires approval by the DPUC.

Opposition to HB 5505

NEPGA gave testimony to the Committee on Energy and Technology in opposition to HB 5505. NEPGA expressed opposition to the creation of a state power authority, as well as a provision within the bill which would impose a windfall profits tax on generators in the state.

Opposition to HB 5508

NEPGA  gave testimony to the Committee on Energy and Technology in opposition to HB 5508 which establishes the Division of Electricity Policy and Procurement. NEPGA expressed specific opposition to Section 4 of the bill which allows the newly formed Division to own and operate generation.