Letter to Connecticut Lawmakers on Decarbonization
NEPGA letter to Connecticut State Representatives in response to correspondence they sent to ISO New England urging further integration of clean energy resources and decarbonization.
NEPGA letter to Connecticut State Representatives in response to correspondence they sent to ISO New England urging further integration of clean energy resources and decarbonization.
NEPGA testimony to the Connecticut Energy & Technology Committee on two bills that would allow utility ownership of electricity storage and generation technologies (HB 5327 & SB 176).
NEPGA testimony to the Massachusetts Telecommunications, Utilities, and Energy Committee on several bills related to clean energy requirements and climate change (H.3288; H.3292; H.3372; H.3964; S.2131; S.2133; S.2136; S.2170; S.2224; S.2225; S.2228; and S.2229)
NEPGA letter to the Massachusetts General Court on proposed legislation on “State of Emergency” hazard pay differentiating public-facing from inward-facing essential employees (S.1195 & H.2042).
NEPGA testimony to the Massachusetts Telecommunications, Utilities, and Energy Committee on several bills to expand clean energy procurements. As well as a bill (H.3316) to enable joining a regional, market-based regime to meet Commonwealth decarbonization and clean energy requirements.
NEPGA testimony on Rhode Island legislation requiring a 100% Renewable Energy Standard (S629).
NEPGA testimony on Rhode Island legislation requiring a 100% Renewable Energy Standard (H 5762).
NEPGA letter to Massachusetts Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce Development regarding H.4739
Letter submitted to Massachusetts Joint Committee on Labor & Workforce Development on proposed legislation related payment for essential workers during the COVID-19 crisis.
NEPGA testimony to Rhode Island Senate Committee on Environment & Agriculture on S 2404 to increase the Renewable Energy Standard