Testimony on Rhode Island Legislation on Carbon Pricing
NEPGA testimony on Rhode Island proposed bill on pricing carbon dioxide emissions in the economy (H 7827)
NEPGA testimony on Rhode Island proposed bill on pricing carbon dioxide emissions in the economy (H 7827)
NEPGA testimony on a proposed bill to price carbon dioxide emissions in the economy (HB 5363)
NEPGA testimony on proposed Connecticut legislation to expand the state’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (SB 9)
NEPGA testimony on Maine proposed bill to create a commission to study integrating electricity storage (LD 1741)
NEPGA testimony on Maine bill to create study group on inputs to consumer electricity bills (LD 1700)
NEPGA testimony to the New Hampshire House Science, Technology & Energy Committee on proposed legislation to rate-base energy storage technologies (HB 1647).
NEPGA testimony to the Massachusetts Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy Committee on economy-wide carbon fee legislation (S1821 and H1726)
NEPGA testimony on Connecticut economy-wide carbon tax legislation (Raised Bill 7247).
NEPGA testimony to Maine legislature opposing a bill that would allow provincially-owned large-scale hydropower to qualify for the Renewable Portfolio Standard (LD 532)
NEPGA testimony to the Rhode Island Senate on two bills relating to a carbon study (S0108) and economy-wide carbon tax (S0365)