NEPGA/EPSA Answer on Demand Curve Proposal
NEPGA and EPSA Answer to FERC on ISO New England’s proposed demand curve (Docket No. ER14-1639).
This category contains all Filing-related Posts regardless of the subcategory.
NEPGA and EPSA Answer to FERC on ISO New England’s proposed demand curve (Docket No. ER14-1639).
NEPGA and EPSA joint comments to FERC in response to protests filed on the results of the FCA 8 capacity auction and allegations of manipulation against Brayton Point (Docket No. ER14-1409).
NEPGA comments and protest on ISO New England sloped demand curve proposal at FERC (Docket No. ER14-1639).
Testimony from NEPGA President Dan Dolan on the Massachusetts Clean Energy Resources bill.
NEPGA today released a report from Dr. Susan F. Tierney highlighting grave concerns with the Massachusetts Clean Energy Resources bill (H3968).
NEPGA limited protest to FERC on ISO New England’s proposed offer review trigger prices (Docket No. ER14-1477).
NEPGA request for rehearing and clarification to FERC on ISO New England’s Insufficient Competition and Carry Forward Rules (Docket No. EL14-7 & ER14-463).
NEPGA limited protest to FERC on ISO New England’s proposal on capacity zones (Docket No. ER12-953).
NEPGA Amicus Brief filed with the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court on Footprint Power’s siting approval (Docket No. SJC-11600).
NEPGA and EPSA joint comments at FERC on proposed reforms to New England forward capacity market (Docket No. ER14-1050).