NEPGA, NextEra and Exelon File Request for Rehearing and Clarification on Resource Retirement Order No. ER16-551

NEPGA, NextEra, and Exelon, filed a Request for Rehearing and Clarification of FERC’s order conditionally approving ISO-NE’s changes to the Forward Capacity Market rules governing resource retirements (No. ER16-551).  NEPGA, et al., ask FERC to grant rehearing on, in part, approving ISO-NE’s proposal that it, rather than the market participant, file Retirement De-List Bid and […]

EPSA and NEPGA Jointly File Price Formation Comments (No. AD14-14)

The Electric Power Supply Association (EPSA) filed Comments (to which NEPGA joined) in response to ISO-NE’s report on price formation issues in New England (No. AD14-14).  ISO-NE filed its report to comply with FERC’s November 20, 2015, Order Directing Reports from all ISOs/RTOs on five price formation issues: (1) pricing of fast-start resources, (2) commitments […]

NEPGA Joins Electric Power Supply Association’s Offer Cap Comments No. RM16-5

NEPGA joined the Electric Power Supply Association’s comments asking FERC to eliminate energy market offer caps or alternatively adopt the offer cap rules proposed by FERC as part of this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking proceeding (No. RM16-5).  The Independent Energy Producers Association, the Independent Power Producers of New York, Inc., and the Western Power Trading […]

NEPGA Moves to Intervene in FCA 9 Results Appeal at D.C. Circuit

NEPGA filed a Motion to Intervene in the Utility Workers Union of America Local 454’s appeal of FERC orders approving the results of the ninth Forward Capacity Auction (which commenced in February 2015), Utility Workers Union of America Local 454 and Robert Clark v. FERC, D.C. Cir. Case No. 16-1068.  NEPGA filed in support of […]

NEPGA Protests ISO-NE Deficiency Letter Response Regarding Resource Retirements (No. ER16-551)

NEPGA filed a protest of ISO-NE’s response to the FERC Office of Energy Market Regulation’s (OEMR) deficiency letter served on ISO-NE, pursuant to which the OEMR ordered ISO-NE to file certain information to supplement its December 2015 filing of Tariff changes defining ISO-NE’s proposal to significantly change the Forward Capacity Market rules governing resource retirements […]

NEPGA and EPSA Jointly Support Forward Reserve Market Changes (No. ER16-921)

NEPGA and EPSA jointly filed a Motion to Intervene and Comments in support of ISO-NE’s and NEPOOL’s proposed changes to the Forward Reserve Market rules to: (1) eliminate the netting of Forward Capacity Market revenues from Forward Reserve Market revenues; and (2) base the Forward Reserve Offer Cap on the incremental costs for existing resources […]