Reply Comments in FERC Docket ER09-1051
NEPGA filed Reply Comments in FERC Docket ER09-1051, ISO-NE’s Order 719 Compliance Filing.
This category contains all documents published prior to January 1, 2014.
NEPGA filed Reply Comments in FERC Docket ER09-1051, ISO-NE’s Order 719 Compliance Filing.
NEPGA provided comments regarding the MA DEP proposed 1990 greenhouse gas baseline and 2020 business as usual projection.
NEPGA gave testimony on four bills in front of the Joint Energy and Telecommunications Committee. Included within the testimony was NEPGA’s support of An Act Relative to Comprehensive Wind Reform.
NEPGA wrote a letter to Senator Walaska asking that he make a minor change to language within SB 488, An Act Relating to Health and Safety-Energy Independence.
NEPGA provided testimony on behalf of NEPGA to the Science, Technology and Environment Committee on HB 496 and SB 85.
NEPGA filed comments in DPU Docket No. 08-88 regarding the Rulemaking to Implement the Provisions on Long-Term Contracts for Renewable Energy.
NEPGA submitted comments to the CEAB regarding the 2009 Integrated Resource Plan.
NEPGA provided testimony on behalf of NEPGA to the Energy, Environment and Economic Development Committee on SB 152. The bill would have given the PUC authority to investigate whether the Merrimack Scrubber project was in the consumers best interest.
NEPGA submitted comments to the DEP regarding newly proposed regulations on stormwater management.
NEPGA provided testimony on behalf of NEPGA to the Science, Technology and Environment Committee on HB 496 and SB 85.