NEPGA Protests Composite Offer Compliance Filing – No. ER16-2126-000

NEPGA filed a Motion to Intervene and Protest in response to ISO-NE’s compliance filing on Composite Offers in the Forward Capacity Market (No. ER16-2126).  NEPGA protests ISO-NE’s proposal to allow only the summer capacity, but not the winter capacity, of a Composite Offer composed of incremental summer and existing qualified winter capacity at the same […]

NEPGA Protests ISO-NE/IMM Resource Retirement Compliance Filing_No. ER16-551-002

NEPGA is protesting the ISO-NE/Internal Market Monitor compliance filing in the FERC proceeding addressing changes to the Forward Capacity Market rules for resource retirements (Docket No. ER16-551-002).  FERC ordered ISO-NE and the IMM to propose a “materiality threshold,” a test that would protect certain retirement bids against IMM mitigation.  As ordered by FERC, if a market participant’s […]

NEPGA Joins EPSA in Request to Reject Algonquin Gas Transmission Waiver Request_No. RP16-618

The Electric Power Supply Association filed comments in response to FERC’s technical conference on Algonquin Gas Transmission’s request for a waiver from FERC’s regulations prohibiting discrimination in interstate natural gas pipeline capacity release (No. RP16-618).  NEPGA joined EPSA in its comments which generally ask FERC to reject Algonquin’s waiver request.  

NEPGA, NextEra and Exelon File Request for Rehearing and Clarification on Resource Retirement Order No. ER16-551

NEPGA, NextEra, and Exelon, filed a Request for Rehearing and Clarification of FERC’s order conditionally approving ISO-NE’s changes to the Forward Capacity Market rules governing resource retirements (No. ER16-551).  NEPGA, et al., ask FERC to grant rehearing on, in part, approving ISO-NE’s proposal that it, rather than the market participant, file Retirement De-List Bid and […]

EPSA and NEPGA Jointly File Price Formation Comments (No. AD14-14)

The Electric Power Supply Association (EPSA) filed Comments (to which NEPGA joined) in response to ISO-NE’s report on price formation issues in New England (No. AD14-14).  ISO-NE filed its report to comply with FERC’s November 20, 2015, Order Directing Reports from all ISOs/RTOs on five price formation issues: (1) pricing of fast-start resources, (2) commitments […]