NEPGA Files Post-Technical Conference Comments on Transmission Rate Treatment for New Energy Storage Resources – No. AD16-25

NEPGA filed Post-Technical Conference Comments in response to FERC’s November 9 Technical Conference regarding the utilization of electric storage resources as transmission assets compensated through transmission rates (No. AD16-25).  NEPGA takes the position that FERC should not adopt a rule granting all new energy storage resources transmission rate cost recovery.  

NEPGA Joint Legal Memo on PSNH/Northern Pass Lease Agreement

Joint legal memo from NEPGA, the City of Concord and the New Hampshire Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests in the New Hampshire PUC docket (DE 15-464) to approve the transfer of rights, by way of a Lease Agreement, to easements and rights-of-way along the proposed route for Northern Pass.

D.C. Circuit Denies Appeal of FCA 8 Results

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit held that it does not have jurisdiction to hear Public Citizen’s and several Connecticut regulatory authorities’ joint appeal of the eighth Forward Capacity Auction results (Public Citizen v. FERC (D.C. Cir. No. 14-1244)).  In so doing, the Court agreed with FERC, NEPGA and other intervenors that because FERC did […]