NEPGA Files Answer in Net CONE Proceeding – No. ER17-795-000

NEPGA filed an Answer and Surrebuttal Testimony in the FERC proceeding addressing the Net CONE value for effect beginning in the twelfth Forward Capacity Auction (No ER17-795).  NEPGA responds to the answer ISO-NE filed on February 24, in which ISO-NE sought to refute the arguments NEPGA made in its February 3 Protest.  In its Protest, NEPGA argues that the Net CONE reference technology proposed by ISO-NE, a greenfield simple-cycle combustion gas turbine technology, is unjust and unreasonable, and that a just and reasonable choice for the reference technology is a combined-cycle gas turbine.


 NEPGA-Answer_ER17-795.pdf  NEPGA-Surrebuttal-Testimony_ER17-795.pdf
Posted in Document Archive, Federal Filings, Recent Filings.