NEPGA Intervention on Lease Proposed by NPT/PSNH

NEPGA Intervention with the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission on a proposed lease agreement between Northern Pass Transmission and its affiliate, Public Service of New Hampshire (Docket 15-464)

NEPGA/RESA NH Discovery Request on Eversource PPA

Joint Motion from NEPGA/Retail Energy Supply Association for additional discovery regarding EversourceNH power purchase agreement with Northern Pass in the divestiture settlement discussions (Docket DE 14-238)

NEPGA Comments on NH PUC Staff Legal Memo

NEPGA comments on New Hampshire PUC staff’s legal memo on using existing legislative authority to subsidize natural gas pipelines through electric utility rates (Docket IR 15-124).

NEPGA/RESA Joint Testimony on NH Divestiture Settlement

Joint testimony from NEPGA and the Retail Energy Supply Association to the New Hampshire Public Utility Commission in support of the settlement calling for divestiture of Eversource NH generation assets (Docket DE 14-238)  

Testimony on NH bill to securitize stranded costs

Written testimony on NH Senate Bill 221 to allow for securitization of stranded costs and other transition costs resulting from a divestiture of Eversource Energy’s NH generation assets. Testimony also notes support for 2015 Eversource Settlement Agreement term sheet.