NEPGA Testimony on Maine Legislation for Affiliate Generation Ownership
NEPGA Testimony on proposed Maine legislation to allow for utility affiliate generation ownership (LD 1513)
NEPGA Testimony on proposed Maine legislation to allow for utility affiliate generation ownership (LD 1513)
Maine — LD 132 — written testimony on bill to remove the 100 MW limit on non-wind resources’ eligibility under the state’s Renewable Portfolio Standard
NEPGA comments to the Maine Governor’s Energy Office on the 2014 update of the 2008 Comprehensive Energy Plan.
NEPGA submitted testimony in opposition to Maine LD 1863. As drafted, LD 1863 proposes to remove the 100 MW cap on eligible renewable resources qualifying for Maine’s RPS.
NEPGA filed a petition to intervene in MPUC Docket Nos. 2002-676 and 2006-543 regarding Emera Inc.’s increased ownership in Algoquin Power & Utilities Corp.
NEPGA filed comments in MPUC Docket No. 2008-255 in opposition to the May 7, 2010 proposed Maine Power Reliability Program settlement agreement between Central Maine Power and the Office of the Public Advocate, GridSolar, Industrial Energy Consumers Group and the Conservation Law Foundation.
NEPGA filed a Petition to Intervene in MPUC Docket No. 2010-289 regarding the purchase of Maine & Maritimes, the parent company of Maine Public Service Co., by Emera US Holdings, Inc.
NEPGA/EPSA filed joint comments in MPUC Docket No. 2008-156 regarding Maine’s participation in ISO-NE.
NEPGA filed a Motion to Intervene in MPUC Docket No. 2008-255 The docket is for the proposed transmission project referred to as the Maine Power Reliability Program.
NEPGA filed a Petition to Intervene in Docket No. 2008-156, MPUC’s investigation of Maine Utilities continued participation in ISO-NE.