NEPGA Protests Composite Offer Compliance Filing – No. ER16-2126-000

NEPGA filed a Motion to Intervene and Protest in response to ISO-NE’s compliance filing on Composite Offers in the Forward Capacity Market (No. ER16-2126).  NEPGA protests ISO-NE’s proposal to allow only the summer capacity, but not the winter capacity, of a Composite Offer composed of incremental summer and existing qualified winter capacity at the same […]

NEPGA Protests ISO-NE/IMM Resource Retirement Compliance Filing_No. ER16-551-002

NEPGA is protesting the ISO-NE/Internal Market Monitor compliance filing in the FERC proceeding addressing changes to the Forward Capacity Market rules for resource retirements (Docket No. ER16-551-002).  FERC ordered ISO-NE and the IMM to propose a “materiality threshold,” a test that would protect certain retirement bids against IMM mitigation.  As ordered by FERC, if a market participant’s […]

NEPGA Joins EPSA in Request to Reject Algonquin Gas Transmission Waiver Request_No. RP16-618

The Electric Power Supply Association filed comments in response to FERC’s technical conference on Algonquin Gas Transmission’s request for a waiver from FERC’s regulations prohibiting discrimination in interstate natural gas pipeline capacity release (No. RP16-618).  NEPGA joined EPSA in its comments which generally ask FERC to reject Algonquin’s waiver request.