Comments on FERC Technical Conference on State Policies & Electricity Markets
NEPGA post-technical conference comments to FERC on the interaction of state policies and wholesale electricity markets (Docket No. AD17-11).
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NEPGA post-technical conference comments to FERC on the interaction of state policies and wholesale electricity markets (Docket No. AD17-11).
NEPGA objection filed with the New Hampshire PUC to the request for rehearing filed by Northern Pass on the rejection of their no-bid contract with Eversource (Docket 16-693)
NEPGA’s filed an Answer to the Limited Protest filed by the ISO-NE Internal Market Monitor in Exelon’s Section 205 cost recovery filing proceeding (No. ER17-933). NEPGA objects only to the IMM’s request that FERC decide whether Exelon’s contracted fuel costs may be included in an energy market Reference Level. NEPGA explains that to grant the […]
NEPGA filed an Answer and Surrebuttal Testimony in the FERC proceeding addressing the Net CONE value for effect beginning in the twelfth Forward Capacity Auction (No ER17-795). NEPGA responds to the answer ISO-NE filed on February 24, in which ISO-NE sought to refute the arguments NEPGA made in its February 3 Protest. In its Protest, […]
NEPGA comments filed to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection on draft Greenhouse Gas regulations related to power plants and a clean energy standard.
NEPGA filed a Motion for Clarification, and in the alternative a Request for Rehearing, of FERC’s order granting NEPGA’s complaint on the Peak Energy Rent Adjustment mechanism (No. EL16-120). NEPGA asks FERC to confirm that Peak Energy Rent Adjustment payments made by suppliers after September 30, 2016 (the refund effective date) are subject to refund. […]
NEPGA filed a Motion to Intervene and Protest, and supporting testimony from Tanya Bodell (Energyzt), opposing ISO-NE’s proposal to base the Net Cost of New Entry value for effect beginning in FCA 12 on a greenfield development, simple-cycle combustion turbine technology (No. ER17-795). NEPGA argues that ISO-NE’s proposal will cause resource adequacy and market efficiency […]
NEPGA comments to the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources in response to their request for stakeholder input on electricity storage solicitations.
Redacted prefiled testimony of NEPGA experts Jim Ginnetti and Bill Fowler on the economic net benefits of Northern Pass filed with the New Hampshire Site Evaluation Committee.
NEPGA moved to intervene in the Utility Workers Union of America’s appeal before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit of the FERC orders approving the results of the tenth Forward Capacity Auction.