NEPGA Comments on Northern Pass 100 MW New Hampshire Contract
NEPGA filed comments with the New Hampshire PUC on the 100 MW power purchase agreement between PSNH and Hydro Quebec over the Northern Pass transmission line (DE 16-693).
This category contains Posts related to New Hampshire Filings.
NEPGA filed comments with the New Hampshire PUC on the 100 MW power purchase agreement between PSNH and Hydro Quebec over the Northern Pass transmission line (DE 16-693).
Joint legal memo from NEPGA, the City of Concord and the New Hampshire Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests in the New Hampshire PUC docket (DE 15-464) to approve the transfer of rights, by way of a Lease Agreement, to easements and rights-of-way along the proposed route for Northern Pass.
NEPGA Motion for Extension of Time on data requests to the Northern Pass Transmission Project with the New Hampshire Site Evaluation Committee (Docket 2015-06)
NEPGA comments filed with the U.S. Department of Energy on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement of Northern Pass (PP-371).
NEPGA Intervention with the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission on a proposed lease agreement between Northern Pass Transmission and its affiliate, Public Service of New Hampshire (Docket 15-464)
NEPGA petition for a limited intervention with the New Hampshire Site Evaluation Committee in consideration of an application from Northern Pass (Docket 2015-06).
NEPGA letter and legal memo submitted to the New Hampshire Site Evaluation Committee showing that the Northern Pass Transmission siting application is incomplete.
Joint NEPGA/RESA comment letter on withdrawal from the New Hampshire divestiture settlement agreement on the PSNH generation assets (IDE 14-238).
Joint Motion from NEPGA/Retail Energy Supply Association for additional discovery regarding EversourceNH power purchase agreement with Northern Pass in the divestiture settlement discussions (Docket DE 14-238)
NEPGA comments on New Hampshire PUC staff’s legal memo on using existing legislative authority to subsidize natural gas pipelines through electric utility rates (Docket IR 15-124).