Comments on MA Increased Offshore Wind Procurements
NEPGA responses to questions posed by the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources as to whether the additional 1,600 MW of offshore wind potential procurements should be utilized.
This category contains Posts related to Massachusetts Filings.
NEPGA responses to questions posed by the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources as to whether the additional 1,600 MW of offshore wind potential procurements should be utilized.
NEPGA’s reply filed with the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities following the protest of NEPGA’s intervention filed by the Electric Distribution Companies with regard to the proposed 20-year contract with Hydro Quebec over the New England Clean Energy Connect (Dockets 18-64, 18-65 and 18-66).
NEPGA initial comments filed with the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities on consideration of three companion contracts for 20-years with Hydro Quebec over the New England Clean Energy Connect (Dockets 18-64, 18-65, 18-66).
Joint brief filed with the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court by NEPGA and GenOn in its appeal of the Massachusetts GHG regulations (SJC-12477).
NEPGA and GenOn joint brief to Suffolk Country Superior Court on the Massachusetts greenhouse gas regulations on in-state power plants.
NEPGA comments to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection on proposed amendments to CMR 7.75: Clean Energy Standard
Comments to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection on their proposed move to an auction mechanism for GHG emissions allowances for power plants (310 CMR 7.74).
NEPGA filed a complaint in Massachusetts Superior Court appealing the recent regulations on greenhouse gas emissions for power plants in the Commonwealth.
NEPGA comments filed to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection on draft Greenhouse Gas regulations related to power plants and a clean energy standard.
NEPGA comments to the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources in response to their request for stakeholder input on electricity storage solicitations.