NEPGA Comments to MA DEP on GHG Regulations
NEPGA comments to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection on stakeholder draft greenhouse gas emissions regulations.
This category contains Posts related to Massachusetts Filings.
NEPGA comments to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection on stakeholder draft greenhouse gas emissions regulations.
NEPGA comments filed with the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities raising significant questions and issues that must be addressed to appropriately consider using electric utility ratepayer financing for new natural gas capacity contracts (DPU 15-181)
NEPGA’s motion for a limited intervention in the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities consideration of proposed Eversource contracts for natural gas pipeline capacity financed by electric utility ratepayers (Docket 15-181).
Reply comments from NEPGA filed with the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities (15-84).
NEPGA comments submitted to the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities on their consideration of the Clean Energy RFP (Docket 15-84)
NEPGA reply comments filed at the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities in their investigation into the financing of new natural gas pipelines through electric utility rates (Docket 15-37)
NEPGA comments to the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities on their investigation into using electric distribution company rates to finance natural gas pipelines (Docket 15-37).
NEPGA Comments regarding the February 25, 2015 Draft Clean Energy RFP Issued by Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, the Massachusetts Electric Distribution Companies and the Narragansett Electric Company
NEPGA comments to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection on a proposed Clean Energy Standard.
Testimony from NEPGA President Dan Dolan on the Massachusetts Clean Energy Resources bill.