NEPGA Testimony on Connecticut RPS Changes
NEPGA testimony on proposed changes to Connecticut’s RPS that would allow contracting with out-of-region large-scale hydro power.
This category contains all documents published prior to January 1, 2014.
NEPGA testimony on proposed changes to Connecticut’s RPS that would allow contracting with out-of-region large-scale hydro power.
NEPGA comments to Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities on the results from the recent forward capacity auction and its impacts on the investigation into new capacity for NEMA/Boston.
NEPGA press release in response to budget proposal released by Connecticut Governor Malloy to extend tax on electricity production in the state.
NEPGA reply brief filed with the DC Circuit Court of Appeals on changes to the forward capacity market (FCM).
NEPGA brief to DC Circuit Court of Appeals in support of FERC’s decision to mitigate uneconomic new entry.
NEPGA Protest of NESCOE MOPR Complaint filed at FERC under EL 13-34.
NEPGA Motion for Leave to Intervene and Answer at FERC to ISO New England’s minimum offer price rule (MOPR) proposal.
Joint comments to FERC filed by NEPGA and the Electric Power Supply Association (EPSA) on the interdependence between the natural gas and electric industries. These comments focus particularly on communication issues between the industries.
NEPGA’s comments on ISO New England’s proposed changes to the forward capacity market (FCM) with respect to a minimum offer price rule (MOPR) and locational issues.
NEPGA press release on FERC filing in support of ISO New England’s proposed minimum offer price rule (MOPR) change to the forward capacity market.