NEPGA Answer to ISO New England on Performance Obligations
NEPGA Answer to ISO New England’s filing in response to NEPGA’s Complaint with respect to performance obligations of natural gas fired generators.
This category contains all documents published prior to January 1, 2014.
NEPGA Answer to ISO New England’s filing in response to NEPGA’s Complaint with respect to performance obligations of natural gas fired generators.
NEPGA statement expressing dissapointment on passage of a bill that would provide provincially-owned, large-scale Canadian hydropower long-term contracts by the Connecticut House of Representatives (SB 1138).
Complaint filed by NEPGA at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission against ISO New England with respect to generator performance obligations.
NEPGA comments on Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection draft renewable portfolio standard study focusing on contracting with large-scale Canadian hydro power.
NEPGA’s filed answer to NESCOE’s request for rehearing of FERC’s approval of ISO New England’s minimum offer price rule (MOPR).
Joint NEPGA press release to complete restructuring in New Hampshire.
NEPGA issued a paper highlighting its concerns with the special treatment sought in the development of the Northern Pass Transmission Project.
NEPGA issued a paper highlighting it’s concerns with the special treatment sought in the development of the Northern Pass Transmission Project.
NEPGA issued a paper highlighting its concerns with the special treatment sought in the development of the Northern Pass Transmission Project.
NEPGA statement on Connecticut Senate Bill 1138, that would create a no-bid long-term contract for provincially-owned large-scale hydro-power.