NEPGA/EPSA Comments on New England Capacity Market Reforms
NEPGA and EPSA joint comments at FERC on proposed reforms to New England forward capacity market (Docket No. ER14-1050).
This category contains all documents published prior to January 1, 2014.
NEPGA and EPSA joint comments at FERC on proposed reforms to New England forward capacity market (Docket No. ER14-1050).
Answer from NEPGA on Complaint on generation resources designated for reliability (Docket No. EL14-17).
NEPGA Protest of ISO New England’s proposed offer review trigger prices for on-shore wind resources (Docket No. ER 14-616) and affidavit of Phil Smith.
NEPGA Complaint filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on the treatent in the Forward Capacity Market of generators deemed necessary for reliability (Docket No. EL14-17).
NEPGA post technical conference comments to FERC on centralized forward capacity markets (Docket No. AD13-7).
NEPGA response filed at FERC to ISO New England Complaint and Answers of NEPGA Complaint on Insufficient Competition and Carry-Forward tariff rules (Docket No. EL14-7).
NEPGA comments to FERC on ISO New England’s informational filing on capacity auction resource bids.
NEPGA’s answer in opposition to ISO New England request for an extension of time on Insufficient Competition and Carry Forward Rules (Docket No. EL14-7).
NEPGA Complaint filed at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission against ISO New England rules on insufficient competition and carry forward rules in the capacity markets.
NEPGA answer filed today at FERC on ISO New England’s proposed shortage events changes (Docket No. ER13-2313).