NEPGA Comments to U.S. DOE on Northern Pass
NEPGA comments filed with the U.S. Department of Energy on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement of Northern Pass (PP-371).
NEPGA comments filed with the U.S. Department of Energy on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement of Northern Pass (PP-371).
NEPGA press release in response to the results of ISO New England’s tenth Forward Capacity Auction.
NEPGA notice of withdrawal filed at FERC with respect to NEPGA’s complaint on demand response participating in the Forward Capacity Auction (Docket No. EL15-21)
NEPGA filed two Petitions for Review with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (Nos. 16-1023 and 16-1024), asking the court to hear NEPGA’s appeals of FERC orders denying NEPGA’s requests to modify or eliminate the Peak Energy Rent Adjustment mechanism from the Forward Capacity Market.
NEPGA-supported brief by a group of noted economists to the Supreme Court of the United States on the FERC v EPSA case of compensation and jurisdiction with respect to demand response resources (Nos. 14-840, 14-841)
NEPGA filed a status report in its D.C. Circuit appeal (No. 15-1071) of new entry pricing rules in the Forward Capacity Market, pursuant to the court’s mandate to file status reports while the case continues to be held in abeyance.
NEPGA amended protest and answer on ISO New England’s proposed capacity zones and lack of zonal demand curves.
NEPGA Motion for Leave to Answer and Answer_No. ER15-716.
NEPGA Answer to respondents on NEPGA’s Peak Energy Rent Complaint at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Docket No. EL15-25).
NEPGA reply brief to DC Circuit Court of Appeals on whether rates resulting from an auction should be afforded Mobile Sierra protection as contracts. Case Number 11-1422