NEPGA Testimony Opposing Utility-Owned Generation in Connecticut
NEPGA testimony to the Connecticut legislature’s Committee on Energy & Technology opposing expansion of utility-owned, rate-base renewable generation (SB 224).
NEPGA testimony to the Connecticut legislature’s Committee on Energy & Technology opposing expansion of utility-owned, rate-base renewable generation (SB 224).
NEPGA presentation to Connecticut Energy & Technology Committee briefing on energy issues.
NEPGA comments filed with the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection on procurement associated with the Clean Energy RFP.
NEPGA Comments regarding the February 25, 2015 Draft Clean Energy RFP Issued by Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, the Massachusetts Electric Distribution Companies and the Narragansett Electric Company
NEPGA testimony on Connecticut legislation to finance new natural gas pipeline through electric distribution company rates and expand electric contracting.
NEPGA testimony on Connecticut plant retirement and decommissioning legislation (SB 1050).
NEPGA written testimony on bill to establish predetermined expiration dates in Connecticut statutes for Certificates of Environmental Compliance and Public Need (Senate Bill 566)
NEPGA comments on the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) draft 2104 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP).
NEPGA comments to Connecticut Public Utility Regulatory Authority on the utility managed procurement program.
NEPGA comments on Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection draft renewable portfolio standard study focusing on contracting with large-scale Canadian hydro power.