On July 14, 2023, NEPGA filed a Petition to Intervene in the Maine Public Utilities Commission proceeding concerning Central Maine Power (CMP) rates, Request for Approval of Distribution Rate Increase and Rate Design Changes Pursuant to 35-A M.R.S. s. 307 (Docket No. 2022-00152). The proceeding concerns CMP base distribution rates, including potentially stranded cost rates imposed on CMP’s customers. The Maine PUC recently approved CMP stranded cost rates that led in some cases for NEPGA Members to incur upwards of 1,700% stranded cost rate increases relative to those in effect prior. NEPGA and several of its Members petitioned to intervene in the related CMP distribution rate case, with some asking the Maine PUC to expand the scope of the distribution rate case to include a consideration of the stranded cost rate increases imposed upon many CMP customers (including several NEPGA Members).