On November 24, 2023, NEPGA filed Comments in support of ISO-NE’s proposal to delay the nineteenth Forward Capacity Auction (FCA 19) by one year (No. ER24-339-000). ISO-NE proposes to delay FCA 19 to allow it and NEPOOL the additional time necessary to develop and vet the Resource Capacity Accreditation (RCA) changes for effect beginning in FCA 19. Under the current FCA 19 schedule and calendar beginning in Q1 2024 (e.g., Retirement De-List Bids due in March 2024), FCA 19 will proceed without the RCA changes in effect unless FCA 19 is delayed a year. NEPGA filed in support on the basis that RCA is expected to improve the measure of capacity value and that such improvement is critical for system reliability and efficient entry and exit given the significant changes in market rules and dynamics (e.g., the elimination of the Minimum Offer Price Rule; changes in the new entry resource mix). Several municipal light departments and (separately) FirstLight also filed in support. ISO-NE asks FERC to make the Tariff changes effective January 2, 2024.