On April 4, 2023, NEPGA filed Comments in support of Dynegy Marketing Trading’s (DMT) (non-confidential, public filing) request that FERC accept its request for cost recovery for the operation of their resources on December 24, 2022 (on which day reserve deficiencies caused a Capacity Shortage Condition) (Docket No. ER23-1261). DMT asserts that its resources incurred over $900,000 in unrecovered costs due to Internal Market Monitor offer price mitigation. NEPGA explains that it agrees with DMT (based on the public filing) that its cost recovery request is consistent with ISO-NE’s Tariff and an energy market (together with FPA Section 205 cost recovery rights) designed to send price signals for resources to follow ISO-NE dispatch instructions. The Maine Office of the Public Advocate, the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office, and the Connecticut Office of Consumer Counsel (the latter two, jointly – and in a non-confidential, public filing) – each argue that the Tariff does not allow for DMT to recover all of the unrecovered costs it asserts.