On February 6, 2023, NEPGA filed an Answer to the comments filed by National Grid and Vermont Electric Power Company and Vermont Transco (“VELCO”) in response to ISO-NE’s storage as transmission-only assets (SATOAs) proposal (Docket Nos. ER23-739-000 and ER23-743-000). National Grid asks FERC to either “clarify” or direct changes to ISO-NE’s proposal that would allow battery storage resources to qualify as Elective Transmission Upgrades. VELCO asks FERC to direct ISO-NE to modify the proposal to allow SATOAs to be chosen to address voltage (rather than thermal) needs. In its Answer, NEPGA explains that National Grid and VELCO raise issues outside of the scope of the proceeding and ask the Commission to direct impermissible changes to rates ISO New England Inc. (“ISO-NE”) filed pursuant to Section 205 of the Federal Power Act. NEPGA asks the Commission to reject National Grid’s and VELCO’s requests for relief on these bases.