Docket Nos. RM07-129-000 and AD07-7-000

NEPGA filed comments in the FERC NOPR (Docket Nos. RM07-129-000 and AD07-7-000) proposing reforms to improve the operation of organized wholesale electric markets.

Docket No. ER08-633-000

A Motion to Intervene and Comments in Docket No. ER08-633-000. The intervention and comments were in response to ISO-NE’s results filing for the Forward Capacity Auction for the 2010-2011 power year.

Docket No. 2008-156

NEPGA filed a Petition to Intervene in Docket No. 2008-156, MPUC’s investigation of Maine Utilities continued participation in ISO-NE.

Amendment to Section 90 of the Comprehensive Energy Bill

NEPGA sent a letter to Chairman Morrissey of the Massachusetts Senate Telecommunication, Utilities & Energy Committee regarding a proposed amendment to Section 90 of the comprehensive energy bill in hopes to accommodate MMWEC’s changes to its corporate structure.

House Bill No. 5783

Written and oral testimony were filed to the Energy and Technology Committee in opposition to House Bill No. 5783. An Act Concerning Electricity Market Incentive Rebates.

Bill No. 188

Comments in response to the Connecticut Energy and Technology Committee on Raised Bill No. 188 were filed. The comments argue against language in the Bill which would allow utilities to own facilities that generate electricity.

FERC Docket No. ER08-538

A Motion to Intervene in FERC Docket No. ER08-538 regarding the Day Ahead Load Response Program. The intervention was an effort to establish procedural standing in the event that we decide to file comments at a later date.

FERC Docket No. ER08-538

A Motion to Intervene in FERC Docket No. ER08-538 regarding the Day Ahead Load Response Program. The intervention was an effort to establish procedural standing in the event that we decide to file comments at a later date.