MPUC Docket No. 2008-156

NEPGA/EPSA filed joint comments in MPUC Docket No. 2008-156 regarding Maine’s participation in ISO-NE.

Docket No. 08-07-01

Comments were filed in Docket No. 08-07-01 in response to the Connecticut Siting Council’s Ten Year Forecast.

S. 2540

NEPGA sent a letter to Governor Patrick urging him to veto S. 2540 <em>An Act Establishing the Global Warming Solutions Act.</em>

MPUC Docket No. 2008-255

NEPGA filed a Motion to Intervene in MPUC Docket No. 2008-255 The  docket is for the proposed transmission project referred to as  the Maine Power Reliability Program.

Docket No. RP08-374-000

Angela O’Connor’s Testimony to FERC in Docket No. RP08-374-000. The testimony argues the Maritimes Pipeline Tariff.

FERC Docket No. AD08-7-000

Comments were filed in FERC Docket No. AD08-7-000; Annual Charges Assessments for Public Utilities. NEPGA commented that FERC’s existing methodology for the assessment of electric annual charges to public utilities is fair and equitable and should not be revisited.

Docket No. RP08-374

NEPGA filed a Motion for Leave to Intervene, Protest and Request for Technical Conference  in Docket No. RP08-374. The filing is in response to the Maritimes and Northeast Gas Pipeline’s Tariff Filing. The motion was granted by FERC on 6/11/2008.

HB 4672

NEPGA filed comments on the redraft of HB 4672. The drastic change in the application of the tax treatment proposed in the bill and its effects were highlighted.