NEPGA Protest of ISO New England Informational Filing
NEPGA Protest at FERC of ISO New England Informational Filing on Generator Performance Obligations (Docket No. EL13-66).
This category contains all documents published prior to January 1, 2014.
NEPGA Protest at FERC of ISO New England Informational Filing on Generator Performance Obligations (Docket No. EL13-66).
NEPGA Request for Rehearing and Clarification of FERC’s Order on NEPGA Generator Performance Obligation Complaint (EL13-66).
NEPGA motion to intervene and comments filed at FERC on ISO New England and NEPOOL jumpball on shortage event definition (Docket No. ER13-2313).
NEPGA comments filed to the U.S. Department of Energy on Northern Pass Transmission’s Presidential Permit application(PP-371).
NEPGA press release on comments submitted to U.S. Department of Energy on Northern Pass Transmission’s Presidential Permit application. Both of these writing essay components are equally important to the success of your essay.
NEPGA comments on FERC notice of proposed rulemaking on communications between electric regional transmission operators and natural gas pipeline operators (Docket No. RM13-17).
NEPGA filing at FERC on ISO New England’s revised and amended winter reliability procurement.
NEPGA comments to FERC on ISO New England’s proposal to allow hourly refreshing of energy market price bids (Docket No. ER13-1877).
NEPGA comments to FERC on ISO New England’s proposed Winter 2013/2014 reliability solutions (Docket No. ER13-1851.
NEPGA Comments to the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission on a PUC Staff Report on divestiture of PSNH rate-base generating facilities Docket 13-020.