On February 22, 2022, NEPGA filed comments in support of ISO-NE’s motion to temporarily waive the Tariff requirement that ISO-NE publish certain information following the running of FCA 16 (No. ER22-1060-000). On February 15, ISO-NE filed a motion with FERC asking for a waiver of its obligation to public de-list bid and capacity zone information within 15 days of the running of each Forward Capacity Auction. ISO-NE explains that it would be imprudent to publish this information while the status of the Killingly Energy Center as an existing capacity resource in FCA 16 remains subject to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit’s stay of FERC’s January order accepting ISO-NE’s disqualification of KEC from participating in FCA 16. ISO-NE previously announced that it would not file the results of FCA 16 with the Commission until the stay expires. The stay, by its terms, expires 30 days after the resolution of KEC’s request for rehearing of the FERC order accepting ISO-NE’s disqualification of KEC (which rehearing request was denied by operation of law on February 11).