NEPGA Testimony on NH HB 696, SB 112, and SB 277

On Tuesday, February 11, NEPGA testified in support of NH HB 696, regarding the Utility Property Tax and Statewide Education Property Tax. Also on Tuesday, February 11, NEPGA filed written testimony in opposition of  NH SB112, regarding purchased power agreements for electric distribution utilities. On Wednesday, February 12, NEPGA testified in support of NH SB […]

NEPGA Testimony in favor of Senate Bill 584

On January 17, NEPGA submitted testimony in favor of New Hampshire Senate Bill 584, relative to application of the utility property tax to certain renewable electric generating facilities, and relative to communications services tax revenues.

Letter to NH ST&E Committee on Power Plant Retirement Bill

NEPGA letter sent to the New Hampshire Science, Technology and Energy Committee on a bill that would form a commission to develop redevelopment plans for a power plant that has not yet announced retirement (HB 1289). NEPGA voiced serious concerns with establishing such a commission about an operating facility and without participation of the plant […]

Testimony on NH Long-Term Contracting Bill

NEPGA testimony to the New Hampshire House Science, Technology & Energy Committee on a bill that would allow up to 20-year contracts for up to 2 million MWh of incrementally new electricity generation or supplies for New England (SB 54).

NEPGA/RESA Joint Testimony on NH Divestiture Settlement

Joint testimony from NEPGA and the Retail Energy Supply Association to the New Hampshire Public Utility Commission in support of the settlement calling for divestiture of Eversource NH generation assets (Docket DE 14-238)  

Testimony on NH bill to securitize stranded costs

Written testimony on NH Senate Bill 221 to allow for securitization of stranded costs and other transition costs resulting from a divestiture of Eversource Energy’s NH generation assets. Testimony also notes support for 2015 Eversource Settlement Agreement term sheet.