Bruce Anderson Named NEPGA SVP & General Counsel
NEPGA announced Bruce Anderson as the association’s Senior Vice President & General Counsel.
Recent Press Releases and Reports for NEPGA and member companies.
NEPGA announced Bruce Anderson as the association’s Senior Vice President & General Counsel.
Statement from NEPGA President Dan Dolan on FERC Order on the ISO New England and NEPOOL joint proposal on the Minimum Offer Price Rule (MOPR) (Docket No. ER22-1528).
Statement from NEPGA President Dan Dolan on the results of the Forward Capacity Auction.
NEPGA press release and report from the Analysis Group on a pathway to meet state CO2 emissions mandates in New England through electrification of transportation and heating, and a sufficient price on CO2 to support needed investments. The Main Report, Summary for Policymakers, and Technical Appendix are linked here, as well as the NEPGA Press […]
Analysis by Joseph Cavicchi of Compass Lexecon of the impact of state resource procurements on the New England wholesale electricity markets over the next 10 years.
NEPGA and Maine Renewable Energy Association (MREA) joint press release on Maine community meeting on the New England Clean Energy Connect transmission line proposal to carry Hydro Quebec power for Massachusetts.
NEPGA statement in response to the announcement of Northern Pass as the sole winner of the recent Massachusetts clean energy RFP
NEPGA release on final brief submitted to the New Hampshire Site Evaluation Committee on the wholesale electricity market impacts of the Northern Pass Transmission Project.
NEPGA letter – with the Acadia Center, Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club and Union of Concerned Scientists – calling for a regional approach to lowering transportation emissions in a market based manner.