NEPGA/EPSA Comments on 2014/2015 Winter Reliability Program
NEPGA and EPSA joint comments to FERC on ISO New England’s 2014/2015 Winter Reliability Program proposal (Docket No. ER14-2407).
This category contains all documents published prior to January 1, 2014.
NEPGA and EPSA joint comments to FERC on ISO New England’s 2014/2015 Winter Reliability Program proposal (Docket No. ER14-2407).
NEPGA and EPSA comments to FERC on ISO New England’s filing in response to defficiency letter on Forward Capacity Auction 8 results (Docket No. ER14-1409).
NEPGA Motion to Intervene on the Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia on the ISO New England Winter Reliability Program.
NEPGA Motion for Clarification with FERC on the exceptions to performance under the new FCM Performance Incentives market (Docket No. ER14-1050).
NEPGA Request for Rehearing filed at FERC on ISO New England’s minimum offer price rule and new resource lock-in period (Docket No. ER14-1639).
NEPGA comments to FERC in support of ISO New England proposal to create SEMA/RI boundary for new capacity zone (Docket No. ER14-1939).
NEPGA comments to Connecticut Public Utility Regulatory Authority on the utility managed procurement program.
NEPGA and EPSA Answer to FERC on ISO New England’s proposed demand curve (Docket No. ER14-1639).
NEPGA and EPSA joint comments to FERC in response to protests filed on the results of the FCA 8 capacity auction and allegations of manipulation against Brayton Point (Docket No. ER14-1409).
NEPGA comments and protest on ISO New England sloped demand curve proposal at FERC (Docket No. ER14-1639).