NEPGA Withdrawal of DR Complaint

NEPGA notice of withdrawal filed at FERC with respect to NEPGA’s complaint on demand response participating in the Forward Capacity Auction (Docket No. EL15-21)

NEPGA Files Petitions for Review of Peak Energy Rent Adjustment Orders

NEPGA filed two Petitions for Review with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (Nos. 16-1023 and 16-1024), asking the court to hear NEPGA’s appeals of FERC orders denying NEPGA’s requests to modify or eliminate the Peak Energy Rent Adjustment mechanism from the Forward Capacity Market.

NEPGA Protests ISO-NE/IMM Resource Retirement Proposal – ER16-551

NEPGA protests the ISO-NE/IMM Resource Retirement proposal because it seeks to solve a problem not shown to exist, causes undue price discrimination price, gives ISO-NE but not the market participant the right to file a new rate under Section 205 of the Federal Power Act, and will unduly suppress capacity market prices (No. ER16-551).

NEPGA Protests Annual Reconfiguration Auction ICR Values

NEPGA filed a protest asking FERC to reject ISO-NE’s proposed Installed Capacity Requirement values for the three Forward Capacity Market Annual Reconfiguration Auctions that will be run in calendar year 2016 (ER16-446).  NEPGA explains that ISO-NE failed to consider the potential market and operational consequences of reducing ICR based on ISO-NE’s forecast of incremental behind […]